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Our company



MODULAR SYSTEMS – This is our specialty!

We work in the mode of

Agile + Scrum

We divide each assignment into equal time periods, usually weekly or bi-weekly(sprints), and begin work. Before the start of each period, we discuss with the client the most important goals to be achieved, and at the end of the sprint we present the results of the work done.

We offer professional services

See what we do and how wide our offer is. In our team we have experts in many fields, each with experience developed through years of good and fruitful work.

Technologies used

Depending on the structure and wavelength of the project, we rely on two structures: a monolithic application or a set of applications of two or more frontend/backend applications exchanging data with each other.

The technologies we use are:

  • Languages: C#, JavaScript, Typescipt, GIT
  • Libraries: .Net Core, .Net Framework, Angular, JQuery, RazorEngine
  • Databases: MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle DB

standard team: two/three backend developers, where one of them is designated project leader, two frontend developers, one designer, project manager overseeing the work.

Work programs

The experience gathered by our team allows us to use the tools available on the market efficiently and safely, giving the gravitas of a good product.

The programs we use are:

  • Software development: Rider, Visual Studio, Sublime Text 3, Git
  • Data Support: DataGrip, Management Studio, MS Excel
  • Systems Testing: PostMan, Unit testing, load testing, integration testing

standard team: two/three developers, where one of them is the designated leader, one designer, project manager overseeing the work.

DevOps Support / Testing

We follow a process we have developed each time we handle implementation. Each step is properly handled which ensures the security and integrity of the system.

standard team: one or two devops specialists.